Next to Impossible Part 32 Plan was ready.


Hi guys, I will start updating my stories on Inkitt ag todayain. As of now, INKITT didn't give any assurance but HOPE. I believe everything will be all right soon. And it's in my readers' hands. I need HIGH likes to prove myself. I hope you guys won't disappoint me. I'm sorry for making all of you rush here and there from Inkitt to my blog. From today onwards, our previous routine will be followed. I hope you will make me stay here by supporting me. Thank you. 

Part 32 Plan was ready.
Khushi, a new addition to Arnav's life, went to his room with his lunch. Arvind, a silent observer, followed her, neither entering Arnav’s room nor letting them know his presence. He stayed out of the room and observed them.
Khushi, not finding Arnav on the bed, was met by his emergence from the washroom, a small smile playing on his lips. She greeted him warmly, her care evident in her actions. She was attentive to his needs as she passed him a towel to wipe his wet face. The room was filled with the aroma of Khushi's prepared food.
Khushi gave him lunch. He took it from her and started eating. Suddenly, Khushi noticed Arnav feeling uncomfortable. He twisted his leg.
“What happened, Arnavji? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”
“Yeah, I think arm-string…”
Khushi noticed Arnav's discomfort and immediately offered her help. She sat beside him, turning his leg to ease his discomfort. Arnav, his face a mix of discomfort and gratitude, acknowledged her care, deepening their emotional connection.
“Is it ok?”
Arnav nodded yes.
“You should drink water. It’s due to dehydration. You would not have drunk water due to the fever. That’s why it’s happening. I think you should take a bottle of saline.”
Arnav looked at her.
“We have a state meet. The saline will give you energy and also confidence.”
“Do you think I lost my confidence?” Arnav smiled.
“No… It would be best if you didn’t lose your confidence. If you are fit, you won’t lose it. Physical health is important for a sportsman.”
“Ok, I will take a saline”, Arnav agreed.
Arnav continued eating.
“Do you have a pain balm?”
“Yeah, it’s on the side table.”
Taking a balm, she again sat on the bed and applied it to his calf. He stopped eating and smiled because his calf ached like hell.
“Do you know when our life had meaning?” He asked.
Khushi looked at him.
“Having someone to feed us if we are hungry, to ask us if we eat or not, to call us if we are late to house, to look after us if we are sick.”
Arvind swallowed hard. Khushi was silent.
Arnav’s voice was heavy with the weight of his loneliness, a burden he carried alone, a feeling that flooded the room. His loneliness was a constant companion, a stark reminder of his need for companionship and support. This heart-breaking moment highlighted the depth of his emotional struggle, evoking a sense of empathy in them.
Khushi's heart ached for him, and her empathy poured out in waves. It was a touchable connection that she couldn't ignore, evidence of her genuine concern for Arnav's well-being.
“I’m residing in the colossal bungalow where even a hundred people can live, but no one to live here…”
“Aman said you are sick… that’s why…” she tried to cover up, her concern for him evident in her voice.
“I know. At least you are concerned to see me.”
“Arnavji, this is not a time to discuss this. You need a rest. Keep your mind calm. Then only you can recover sooner.”
Arnav nodded and continued eating. He felt content because he had someone to concern him, a sense of comfort that Khushi's care brought him. Arvind silently left the place. He saw HP going to the kitchen. He beckoned him, and he rushed to him.
“When did she come here?”
“When the doctor came here…” HP knew the doctor would have told Arvind about Khushi’s presence in RM.
“Mmm… don’t tell them I came here.”
Arvind walked out. Sitting in the car, he dialled Lavanya. She attended the call.
“Hello, uncle”
“I heard Arnav has a fever…”
“Yeah, Aman told me, uncle…”
“Oh, do you know?”
“Yeah… I will meet him in the evening if possible.”
“Do you have an important class today?”
“No, uncle…”
“Mmm… bye…” he disconnected the call.
It didn’t seem Lavanya was interested in Arnav. Even though she was not interested, she could have shown concern for him as a friend, at least, he supposed.
He started the car and exited the RM campus; he saw Aman entering. He stopped the vehicle and got off. Aman was surprised to see Arvind at RM—not that he wouldn’t visit. The question was, was Arnav’s illness the reason for his visit?
“When did you know Arnav is ill?” Arvind asked.
“This morning… he called me and said he would not come to the college… so, he asked me to tell Khushi to do her regular practice without waiting for him.”
“What practice?”
“They are practising for the state meet. They have only a week.”
“If they have a week, why is the girl with him leaving her practice behind?”
“It’s because Arnav is more important for her than the practice”, Aman said.
“Why didn’t you tell me Chotte is ill?”
“I didn’t think you would do anything with his illness.”
“What do you mean? Do you think I’m not concerned about him?”
“No, uncle… Arnav would get upset if he saw you. It’s not good for him now because he is already ill.”
“I’m leaving. Call me if he wants anything” he was supposed to get into the car, but he stopped hearing,
“By now, you should have known what he wants, uncle”, Aman said with a hidden meaning. Arvind looked at him sharply and left RM. Aman came to Arnav’s room and saw him having lunch.
“How are you feeling now, ASR?”
“Feeling better”
“Did you have lunch, Khushi?”
“No, going to…” Khushi said.
“Ok, you go and have lunch. Then only you can be balanced when you go for your evening practice.”
“That’s ok, Aman… I will go to the practice tomorrow…(she paused and said) if he is all right.”
Arnav looked at her perplexed.
“No, Khushi… don’t miss your practice…”
“It’s not a big deal…”
“It is…”
“Of course, but I can win the medal even if I skip practice.”
“I, too, know that, but I want you to be in form.”
“I’m in form…”
“Khushi… you came here. It’s more than enough for me…”
“But, how will you be alone?”
“I’ve been alone for a long,” Arnav said, expecting a fitting answer from her, but to his disappointment, before Khushi replied, Aman said,
“I will be with him.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah… I will be here tonight. You can go to practice.”
Khushi looked at Arnav, who gestured for her to go. Khushi nodded.
“You too go Aman” Arnav said.
“I just had lunch.”
Khushi left downstairs.
“Didn’t you convey my message to her to do practice?”
“I said… but she came here to look after you.”
“She cooked for me…” Arnav smiled.
“She is a nice girl,” Aman said.
Arnav nodded yes.
“I think she also has feelings for you but hesitates to confess.”
“I know how to make her confess.”
“I know you will do it”, Aman smiled.
After finishing lunch, Khushi came to Arnav’s room to bid bye.
“Arnavji, I’m leaving.”
“Why so soon? You will start practice only at 4 o’clock, right?”
“I didn’t bring my sports kit. I should have to take it from home.”
“Oh, ok…” Taking his phone, Arnav called Mohan.
“Take Khushi to her home. Wait for her, take her to the ground, and then again drop her home.” He disconnected the call.        
“Mohan will take you.”
“I will manage, Arnavji”
“Yeah, you will manage…” he said.
Khushi sighed and left. Aman smiled. 
The next morning
Arnav felt better the next day. He came to the living room with Aman and had coffee. He saw Khushi rushing in her tracksuit.
“How are you feeling now?”
“Don’t come to the college today. Take a rest…”
“Sorry, Khushi, I can’t obey your word… I’m bored of sitting at home. I won’t practice but will surely come.”
“What about saline?”
“The doctor gave me last evening.”
“Oh… then ok. I will meet you at the college.” She left smiling. 
That week flew by without wings. The State Sports meet closed up. Arnav was back to the FORM. Though Arnav and Khushi were ready, they were a little nervous, and it was apparent—only one day to the Meet.
Sheetal attended Lalith’s call.
“Hello, uncle…”
“Tomorrow is the State meet.”
“Yes, uncle… what are you going to do?”
“I will implement the plan at the right time. I want you to do me a favour.”
“Tell me, uncle.”
“Who is close to your Physical instructor, I mean his helper?”
“Ranjith Sir”
“Ok, done…”
“Uncle… Khushi should not win…”
“She will not… I will not let it happen.”
“That’s enough, uncle.”
“Go to the ground and see it by yourself.”
“Sure…” Sheetal disconnected the call with a winning smirk.
To be continued…   


  1. Nice 👍👏😊thanks for the update

  2. Beautiful update. I am really worried for Khushi; I hope nothing happens to her. Please don't let the evil and selfish people ruin Arnav and Khushi's hard work. I really want Khushi to win her race.

  3. Please bonus chapter can't wait to see what will happen

  4. Lovely update... Hope every evil plan will backfire to themselves only

  5. Awesome update 😘❤️

  6. Nice update
    Can’t wait please give a bonus update dear
    It’s been soooo long we got a bonus update from you
    So please consider our wish 😍

  7. Awesome update. Khushi feeling sad for Arnav and want to be with him at the same time hesitate to confess. Hope sheetal and lalith plan fail. Eagerly waiting for next. If possible give bonus update

  8. That's really mean to destroy someone.... hope Arvind realizes soon and start supporting his son n Khushi. And hoping Khushi wins.

  9. Omg, hope sheetal 's plan fail..

  10. Please don't let the BAD GUYS WIN, PLEASE. Ruined their plans. Make it possible for Khushi to win this time too. Make it possible for Shetal to be exposed to everyone. Make it possible for Lalith to be exposed.

  11. Argh, these 2 evil people. How i want their faces smeared with cow dung. Khushi's win will be a consolation.

  12. I just hope they won’t hurt or make a permanent injury to Khushi in the hunger to stop her from winning….

  13. Hope kushi wins...

  14. Nice update akka. Please bonus update

  15. Nice Update. Thanks

  16. just hope this tiem also their plan backfire and no harm doen to khsushi and aranv instead make them more close and their love and bond stronger than before ..... even Aravind found Lalith and sheetal evil plan and do justice to prevent more damage ...this sheetla need very bog and good lesson please do tif possible.....

  17. ust hope this tiem also their plan backfire and no harm doen to khsushi and aranv instead make them more close and their love and bond stronger than before ..... even Aravind found Lalith and sheetal evil plan and do justice to prevent more damage ...this sheetla need very bog and good lesson please do tif possible.....this ONE IS THE SECOND MOST FAVORIE STOIRIES FROM CURRTN LIST OF STORIES ....AFTER True Myth

  18. Superb update... Hope that evil will not win


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