Next To Impossible Part 25 Dream

Part 25 Dream

"Khushiiiii... You are the best... You can make it"

The motivation of Arnav made Khushi run like anything.
She didn't know how she surpassed everyone, but she was the first one to give the baton to Aman, who had no problem finishing the race after the lead Khushi made. 

Everyone's concentration was on Aman when he took the baton but Arnav was rushing towards Khushi.  He didn't care if Aman would win the race. According to him, Khushi already won the race. She did it. As an athlete, he knew what she just did. It was not that easy. He knew. Yet, she made it possible. He was happy like anything.

He ran to Khushi and hugged her... forgetting anything. There was nothing in his mind. He just wanted to celebrate the moment. That was all. He lifted her above his head and started shouting,

"You are the best..."

Khushi felt it awkward. She didn't know how to react to it. Thank God, no one looked at them as everyone's eyes were on Aman. 

"Please leave me" Khushi tapped his shoulder. 

There were no words to say what Sheetal felt. Everything backfired. If she had completed the race properly, Khushi wouldn't have gotten such a big recognition. What Sheetal did made Khushi a superstar!

Arnav put her down and saw Aman completing the race. The second Aman completed the race, Arnav ran towards him, dragging Khushi with him. 

After touching the finishing line, Aman submitted the baton and searched for Khushi. He saw Arnav fetching her towards him. He ran to them and hugged them together. 

"We did it... We did it... Khushi, you are awesome... You are amazing... You are a miracle...!" Aman shouted in happiness excitedly. 

Khushi was crushed between Arnav and Aman. They saw their college principal coming to them. They stood straight panting hard.

The principal extended his hand towards Khushi for a handshake. She shook hands with him.

"Excellent performance... You turned the race upside down. You amazed me..."

"Thank you, sir"

"You guys also did your job excellently..." He appreciated Arnav and Aman. 

"Thank you, sir," They said.

"Khushi, you have a very good future in sports. I will arrange for your sponsor" the principal said.

Arnav looked at Khushi to know what would she say.

"No thanks, sir..." Khushi said, and the principal looked at her with confusion.

"I already have a sponsor, sir," she added.

"Do you have a sponsor? But how? I agree you are a state gold medalist but the much I know, no company would sponsor a state player"

"Yes, sir, but Delhi cement is doing that for me... Because of Arnav..." Khushi pointed at Arnav.

"Oh, I see... That's nice to hear..."

"She is a very talented athlete, sir. She won a gold medal in the state meet barefoot... That's why I wanted to sponsor her because I know she would become a shining star..." Arnav smiled.

"That's true..."

"Sir, if you are willing to get a sponsor for Khushi, you can do it, sir. I have no problem" Arnav said.

"No sir. I don't want to be confused. One guidance is enough for me"  Khushi said 

"She is right. Companies will try to dominate her. It's not good for her. Let her do her work freely" the principal said.

Arnav nodded smiling.

"But, you can ask me anything if you want"

"Thank you, sir..."

"From here on, you and Arnav will be our college sports HEAD..."

Khushi was speechless and Arnav was on cloud nine. Aman wished them.

The principal looked at the physical instructor and said,

"Provide them our college sports COAT"

"Yes, sir"

Khushi's eyes widened. COAT? She knew, in their college, the sports head would wear a coat. That was an honour. More than that, she was going to wear a coat. Her eyes literally tear up. Was her lifetime wish going to come true? She thought she should go long to get it, but here it was. 

Hearing the word coat, Arnav could not stop himself from thinking about his coat that was in Khushi's cupboard. He looked at Khushi who looked emotional. He thought it was because of the recognition she got. 

"Congratulations..." Arnav said.

"Congratulations to you too..." She said with happy tears. 
The principal left the place smiling.

That was when Preeto rushed to Khushi and hugged her happily. 

"Congratulations, Khushi... Your dream is going to come true. You are going to wear a COAT"

Arnav looked at them with confusion. Was wearing a coat her dream? What was that? He saw Khushi nodding her head.
They were called to the podium to receive the medal. Khushi looked at Arnav and Aman. They headed to the podium. Sheetal stood, not understanding whether she should go to them or not. 

Arnav and Aman didn't even think about Sheetal. It was Khushi who looked for her. 

"Sheetal... Come on..." She called.

When Sheetal came to the podium, students teased her for falling. She felt insulted. She didn't expect her plan would badly backfire. In fact, she did not at all expect such a scene to happen. How could she expect Khushi to win after her downfall? 

The chief guest congratulated the winners while wearing the medals on their necks. While shaking hands with Sheetal, he said,

"It's good you fell. That's why this world got to know about a super-fast athlete..." He said, looking at Khushi, adding fuel to the humiliation fire of Sheetal laughingly.

Sheetal's face hung. She left the place hurriedly. 

Khushi and Arnav received the individual championship cups as they scored high points by winning gold medals in their individual events. 

Khushi came with the cup and handed it to Arnav. He looked at her questioningly.

"Thanks... For everything" she said.

"You are going to get more victories in you're career and create history... Mark my words"

"Your words are so energetic. I like the way you encouraged me..." She smiled.

He took the cup from her.

"Do one thing... Take my cup... We will exchange them. Whenever you see that, remember my encouragement and whenever I see your cup, I will think of encouraging you"

Arnav gave HIS cup to Khushi with a penetrating gaze. Khushi took it from him smilingly. Arnav felt content. 

"By the way, Khushi, what's that Preeto talked about?"


"Your dream coming true... Or, something..."

Khushi smiled.

"Is it personal?"

Khushi nodded no.

"I'm obsessed with your school uniform..."

"Our uniform? I didn't get you"

"I like your school uniform. I longed to wear such a royal coat. I studied in a government school. We can't afford such costly clothes. I wanted to win a gold medal in the National meet, not just because I wanted to achieve something. It's because I wanted to wear a coat. I can do it if I win a national medal..."

Arnav didn't know someone could have such a wish because, according to him, wearing a coat was not at all a matter. He had numerous coats in his cupboard unworn, worth rupees a few lakhs. 

Was this the reason for her to keep his school coat safely? No way. She was not a girl who would safeguard a stranger's belongings. She would have a reason for doing that. Arnav wanted to know that but she might feel awkward. So, he decided to wait for the right time to open up. 

To be continued...


  1. Very nicely Sheetal put in her place. This is called digging one's own grave. Adding chillies on the festering wound was quite priceless but subtly done.

  2. Awesome... Sheetals plan backfired her...

  3. Awesome update.. Hope now sheetal know KARMA is real.

  4. SuperπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  5. Awesome update. Sheetal want to humiliate Khushi and got humiliated. Arnav get to know about Khushi's dream of wearing coat. Eagerly waiting for next part

  6. Superb update πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘

  7. ❤️❤️❤️πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  8. It was phenomenal, stunning, gorgeous update

  9. Superb update...🀩

  10. Good for Khushi. Enjoyed the update.

  11. Fabulous update.....its becoming so damn emotional and beautiful..πŸ’•♥️❣️πŸ’“

  12. Awesome update! Loved it.

  13. Awesome update dear.... Wow loved it....

  14. wonderful updateπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

  15. thanks sheetals plan backfired please make khuhsi anrav bond more strong and man them understand care each other without talks nd support too with unity so no one can break them or secret them now or in future too....

  16. Superb..

    Sheetal dig her own fall..

    Hope khushi will be careful.of her and arnav too

    Like the way khushi spoke to principal

    Wow they got all the medals.

    Arnav is head over heel in love with khushi

    Looking forward

  17. Royal uniform good thought. Sure Arnav will bring all her dreams to reality

  18. Even I totally love wearing blazers since school. I have few blazers for office purposes. Glad I fulfilled my school dream of owning blazers πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  19. Nice part. Hope Sheetal will not mess more with kushi.

  20. Only those who lack something will know the value of it….just like Khushi who can’t afford a coat knows it’s value…while Arnav who can afford many expensive coats won’t know it….


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